Sunday, January 8, 2012
Senior Sisters' Luncheon
Thanks very much!
Julie Aldous
2012 Women's Midweek Scripture Study
Six to eight years ago then Stake Relief Society President, Jeanne Hansen, started a Wednesday morning scripture study at her home. Last year, she needed to bow out of hosting the group, but the Wednesday morning study time is still alive. Lisa Collins has graciously offered her home at from 9:30 to 10:30 AM on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, Wednesdays. (We skip the first Wednesday so as not to conflict with Ceder Mill Relief Society Temple morning.)
This is very low key, all are welcome to come in gym clothes, pajamas, whatever. We will follow the Cedar Mill Stake Sunday School schedule for study of the Book of Mormon in 2012. Carolyn Cook usually leads the discussion, but anyone is free to volunteer. An email goes out once a week, so email Carolyn at if you would like to get a reminder email each week.
So come if you can, don't feel bad if it doesn't work for you. No need to email whether you are attending or not. Carolyn Cook: 503-690-2893
Place: Lisa Collins, 13811 NW Thompson Rd., Portland, Oregon 97229. (It's the "Who House", or the "Pirate House" at Halloween, right next to the alpacas) House: 503-747-4289
Discussion Schedule:
January 11- 1 Nephi 8–11;12:16–18; 15. Lehi's Dream
January 18 – 1 Nephi 12, 13, 14
January 25 – 1 Nephi 15, 16, 17, 18
February 1—No Scripture study. RS Temple session at 10:00AM
February 8 - 2 Nephi 3,4,5
February 15 – 2 Nephi 9, 10
February 22 – 2 Nephi 11-16
February 29 – 2 Nephi 26-30
March 7—No Scripture study. RS Temple session at 10:00AM